Federal Programs
Title I Program
The purpose of Federal Program Title I funding and programming is to provide early intervention and academic support for economically deprived students who might otherwise be at risk of performing below grade level during the school year.
About Title I
What is Title I?
- Title I is a federally funded program that provides supplemental instruction in reading to students who qualify.
- Reading services are always provided in addition to classroom reading instruction. Students receiving Title l Reading are not pulled from class during instruction of the regular reading curriculum.
- Title l Reading is designed to help those students who need a little extra support in order to grasp important grade level specific skills.
- By providing students with extra help from a certified Reading Specialist, the Title I Program will give each student extra instruction to master grade level appropriate skills, so that the student is better prepared for his/her academic future.
- The Title I teacher is trained and equipped with the techniques and materials that have proven to be successful in helping students gain knowledge so they have the skills necessary to be independent, successful readers
How do students qualify?
Multiple criteria are used to qualify students:
- Standardized test scores (NWEA, MAP)
- Reading levels (TCRWP Benchmark Assessment, Developmental Reading Assessment)
- Aimsweb Plus scores
- Reading behavior checklists
- Teacher recommendations
*A student must meet several of the criteria in order to qualify.
The Title I teacher works closely with the regular classroom teacher and parents to monitor each child’s progress. Students are dismissed from the program once they have reached a reading level that is commensurate with their peers.
Each year, all students must re-qualify for the Title l Reading Program.
How can parents be involved?
Brentwood School District understands that education is a partnership. We recognize the importance of the school and parents working together for the benefit of each child.
Ways parents can become involved include:
- Attend annual Title I informational meetings
- Participate in the annual Title I survey
- Read and respond to any communication from classroom teacher and/or reading specialist throughout the school year
- Communicate concerns to classroom teacher and/or reading specialist
- Join and participate in the Parent Teacher Organization
- Attend and/or volunteer at school events when able
- Attend parent/teacher conferences
- Provide a home space and structure for students to read and complete homework
- Read with child regularly
Title I Contacts
Dr. Alex Tripamer
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Kelsey Grammer
Reading Specialist
Kathleen Molina
Reading Specialist
Stephanie Wyatt
Reading Specialist
Other Federal Programs
Title II
Title II Program
The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping the district and schools improve teacher and principal quality. Title IIA allows the district the flexibility to address challenges in areas like teacher preparation and qualification of new teachers, recruitment and hiring, induction, professional development, and retention. In addition, Title IIA funds may be used to improve the skills and knowledge of principals for effective school leadership. As with any activity that the Brentwood School District provides for public school teachers, activities supported with Title II, Part A funds that benefit private school teachers must meet the requirements of the statute. Requested activities should be directly linked to improved student learning, and building school improvement plans, and supported by building leadership as well as any school-wide initiative.
Eligible Schools
Non-public schools that are within the Brentwood School District boundaries are eligible for Title II A funds. Eligibility is based upon the school’s address, not the address of any given student within the non-public school.
Nonpublic Title II Improving Teacher Quality State Grants, ESEA, Title II Part A
Complaint Procedures Nonpublic (ESSA)
State Ombudsman, Theresa Villmer theresa.villmer@dese.mo.gov 573-526-4365
Common Equitable Services Requirements
Dr. Alex Tripamer
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
Title IV
Title IV Program
The purpose of Title IV, A is to provide funding to improve student academic achievement by increasing school district capacity to:
- Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
- Improve school conditions for student learning; and
- Increase the use of technology to enhance the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
As with any activity that the Brentwood School District provides for public school teachers, activities supported with Title IV, A funds that benefit private schools must meet the requirements of the statute. Requested activities should be directly linked to providing all students with a well-rounded education, student learning, and increased use of technology to enhance academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
Eligible Schools
Non-public schools that are within the Brentwood School District boundaries are eligible for Title IV, A funds. Eligibility is based upon the school’s address, not the address of any given student within the non-public school.
Complaint Procedures Nonpublic (ESSA)
State Ombudsman, Theresa Villmer theresa.villmer@dese.mo.gov 573-526-4365
Common Equitable Services Requirements
Dr. Alex Tripamer
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction