Illness Guidelines
For successful academic achievement, Brentwood School District stresses the importance of regular and punctual attendance. Regular attendance in each class is the first and most basic requirement of a quality education. If your child will not be attending school for any reason, it is important for families to call and notify the school office as soon as possible. When communicating with a teacher about an illness, always include your school nurse. A list of known absentees will be prepared by the school secretary. Any other child not reporting to school should be reported to the office as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to determine the reason for any unreported absence. If there is no call and the school is unable to reach the parent, a note explaining the absence must accompany the student upon his/her return to school.
For the health of your child, other students, and school staff, it is important to know when your child should stay home due to illness. Students should stay home if they have had any of the following symptoms:
- fever of 100.4 or higher in the past 24 hours
- undiagnosed rash that is accompanied by fever or itching
- bad cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
- sore throat, with fever or swollen glands in the neck
- loss of sense of smell or taste
- symptoms of being sick such as being unusually tired, fussy, pale or had difficulty waking
If your child has strep throat or another bacterial infection, he/she should stay home until the antibiotic has been given for at least 24 hours and your health care provider has given permission for your child to return to school. We encourage you to seek medical attention when your child is sick and to follow your health care provider's recommendations about returning to school and other social activities.